Real Estate Entrepreneur Interviewed by Host Angelo Cruz on the CyberCEO Podcast
Real Estate Professional Recognizes Cyberbacker’s Well-Qualified Support Staff and Positive Attitude as Contributors to the Growth and Stability of His Organization - Mission Matters Podcast Agency
Mission Matters Podcast Agency distributes the CyberCEO Podcast.
Wallace Myers started his real estate journey in 2015. His expertise in the field has allowed for significant organizational growth. “In 2021, we did about 467 transactions and are now in three locations. We have also recently merged with another team to further expand [our business],” explained Myers.
In Myers’ previous experience, he had the opportunity to utilize a shared management system with another team. This included the use of cyberbackers to optimize organizational efficiency. Moving forward, when Myers established his own team and identified company needs, he found himself relying on a familiar and respected support system. A team lead at Myers’ brokerage suggested cyberbackers assist in the day-to-day tasks. This name was easily recalled. Nurturing a growing team needed increased staffing, and Cyberbacker’s reputation preceded them. They were Myers’ first choice. “The follow-up was just amazing! They contacted me right away. They started asking me [questions] - not just things that I wanted - they started to bring things to my attention that I didn’t really think about,” Myers said confidently.
The positivity of the candidates that Cyberbacker provided is something that stood out to Myers. “They want to be here every day. They want to get up daily and go to work and build a business. Create a life by design. It was so refreshing that each candidate and the cyberbacker that we have wants to be here every day. The smile. The positivity. It is always there, which is just amazing,” confirmed Myers.
Myers stressed that their cyberbacker is there to help and make a difference. But Myers also wants to make a difference in the lives of his cyberbackers. “We want to create more opportunities for leadership with our cyberbackers. We want them to have their own leverage. Our current plans for our cyberbackers are more on the social media and transaction coordinating aspect of the business,” said Myers. Overall, cyberbackers have created the opportunity to empower the cyberbacker, organizational sustainability, and more opportunities for business expansion for Myers.
Listen to the full podcast interview by Angelo Cruz with Wallace Myers on your favorite podcast channel
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In this podcast, the host covers:
· What is your role in the business, Wallace?
· How did you find out about Cyberbacker?
· What was the first thought that came to mind when you hear the word cyberbacker?
· What was the first list that you created in order to leverage to your Cyberbacker? How has that role evolved today?
· How did you know that your Cyberbacker was the right fit for the business?
· Did the training that we provide for the cyberbacker save you time in your business?
· What are some of the new things that you want your cyberbacker to do in the future for the business?
· Do you think that Cyberbacker is a good investment for your company? And why?
· How did you build a successful partnership with someone virtual?
· What is the best thing about your cyberbacker?
About the Podcast Host and Guest
Cyberbacker's goal is to match accomplished individuals to clients who share similar values and goals to optimize growth. Find more information at www.cyberbacker.com, or contact Cyberbacker directly by email: [email protected] or phone: +1 801 686 8043
Learn more about Wallace Meyers at website at www.wallacemyersgroup.com
Media Communications
Mission Matters Podcast Agency distributes the CyberCEO Podcast
Inquiries: [email protected]
Media contact KISS PR [email protected]